summer plan

美 [ˈsʌmər plæn]英 [ˈsʌmə(r) plæn]
  • 网络暑假计划;暑期计划
summer plansummer plan
  1. B : I did get an A.Well , could you tell me your summer plan ? Will you travel somewhere interesting ?


  2. At last , we made our summer holiday plan together .


  3. Mother said , don 't go to school not the teacher supervision , can 't relax learning , let I to schedule a summer vacation plan .


  4. Try these simple but flavour some recipes as part of your summer eating plan . They are all deliciousenough to be eaten alone , with rice or homemade bread , or serve them as part ofa Chinese style multi-course meal or to accompany Western dishes . Rice noodles with chilli and prawns


  5. A : No , not this summer . I plan to go to Africa next summer .


  6. When the Cavs signed Parker last summer , the plan was for him to be a role player who could hit some shots on offense from mid-range and be a defensive addition against tall wing players .


  7. As the end of school approaches , and school vacation reading lists loom ahead , parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore .


  8. The Huaihe River Flood in Early Summer of 1991 and Plan to Harness it


  9. With the " summer ice city " plan , Harbin lighting project has been a common concern of provincial and municipal governments .
